Spatial Blueprint

Title: Home Reconstructed

Materials: Wood repurposed from pallets, screws, nails

Dimensions: 3.5 ft x 2 ft, protruding about 3 inches from the wall when hung

My creation is based upon childhood memories of my backyard and the layout of trees, a patio, and other features. The selection of untreated, unpainted wood resembles the rebuilding that occurred after hurricanes and also the wood grain of my fence. There is a wood knot in the top corner to show the approximate area a neighbor's tree fell during one storm, crashing into the fence. Our patio is represented by the brick-patterned wood blocks near the middle section. It was the foreground to the stage of my childhood which often took place in that backyard. Below it, a structure resembling a roof or house lies in the approximate location of our home. In two sections of the patio, splintered wood was fixed at a perpendicular angle to emulate the destruction of homes and other structures in the storms.

In the years I lived in North Carolina, we had a handful of severe hurricanes. After moving to Virginia, my relatives in New Orleans temporarily relocated to stay with us when their home was obliterated by Katrina. We all went down to help clean up and salvage what was left, and the memory of New Orleans in the aftermath has stuck with me. My family often had visited for Mardi Gras before the storm and to see the same neighborhoods and streets decimated was astonishing.


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